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Zimbabwean First Lady Is Transforming Lives Through Angel Of Hope. Here Is A List Of Her Donors

Zimbabwean First Lady
Zimbabwean First Lady Transforming Lives Through Angel Of Hope. Here Is A List Of Her Donors

The wife of the president of most African nations are usually called first ladies. Most of them use their office to help people in different ways. Today, we will move the spotlight to Zimbabwean First Lady, Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa. In 2018, she launched her charity foundation, Angel of Hope Foundation. The aim of the foundation was to cater for the welfare and empowerment of women and children. Since its formation, the number of beneficiaries continues to grow.

There were at least 4,000 children and 500 dignitaries during the launch of the foundation. Consequently, the foundation’s chairperson, Mrs. Chipo Mtasa said that Angel of Hope Foundation is a vehicle through which Zimbabwean First Lady would be running and implementing her development and charitable programmes. Highlighting some of the goals of the foundation, Mrs. Mtasa said,

“Angel of Hope Foundation will focus on programmes that address the welfare and empowerment of women and children. The foundation will also focus on access to health, combating disease, as well as sustainability issues in line with Sustainable Development Goals on ending poverty and inequality.”

Through her Angel of Hope Foundation, Zimbabwean First Lady has been touching the lives of people—particularly the less-privileged and those in rural areas. Consequently, she has been getting support from different organizations. Donors sometimes don’t get any attention for their good works. However, we believe they deserve some accolades. Also, recognizing donors can spur others to donate too. Below are some people and organizations that have identified with Angel of Hope Foundation.

The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

When Mrs. Mnangagwa visited Rushinga, the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority seized the occasion to donated 50 laptops to five schools in the area. Also, more than 500 less-privileged families received groceries, blankets, and sanitary pads. Speaking at the occasion, Zimbabwean First Lady said her foundation had since partnered with Potraz in order to give back to marginalized communities. She said,

“May I take this opportunity to implore our churches to visit the elderly and assist them and pray for them. To the business community, I say it is your obligation to assist the less privileged.”

Industry and Commerce Deputy Minister In Partnership With Pepsi

During a visit to Bulawayo South constituency, the Zimbabwean First Lady commissioned 100 Pepsi vending pushcart. The event which held at Sizinda suburb grounds was courtesy of the Industry and Commerce Deputy Minister, Raj Modi. During the occasion, Mrs. Mnangagwa said,

“Empowering women in any form is vital to building a future we want. Women empowerment increases the capacity of individuals and groups to make choices and transform their choices into desired actions and outcome. When women are given the resources to successfully lead their own projects work towards their goals and drive their career, we call that development. Pepsi has brought development to our women.”

Also, the First Lady urged women to embrace the cultivation of traditional grains to enhance food security. Consequently, she donated seeds for traditional crops as a way of promoting their cultivation. Explaining the importance of growing traditional grains, she said,

“Traditional grains such as millet and sorghum require less rainfall and hence play a pivotal role for present and future human use due to prevailing conditions. Grains such as millet have a health benefit like reducing blood pressure, heart diseases and other diseases affecting human life. Because of climate change, we are seeing ourselves in the promotion of traditional grains.”

Zimbabwean First Lady
Zimbabwean First Lady, Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa putting jam on bread

PLD Investments

The business community has also thrown their weight behind Mrs. Mnangagwa and her foundation. A few weeks ago, PLD Investments director, Mr. Patrice Dhilwayo and his wife Liona donated textbooks worth over $50,000 to the Angel of Hope Foundation. The aim of the donation is to counter the shortage of learning aids in schools. Speaking shortly after receiving the donation, Zimbabwean First Lady said,

“I welcome you warmly here, with the gesture you have shown in supporting the Angel of Hope Foundation. The books which you have donated will be used in most schools countrywide from ECD (Early Childhood Development) to tertiary education. There is a shortage of books in most of our schools. I am appealing to other companies to work with Angel of Hope Foundation in helping our schools. We hope a lot of companies will come on board to support the Government in its quest to transform the education sector. The move will also go a long way in alleviating shortages of books in most schools.”

Also, the Retailers’ Association of Zimbabwe president, Mr. Denford Chimutashu said they are working to mobilize support for the foundation. At African Vibes, we appreciate the charitable works of Zimbabwean First Lady. This is a call for other first ladies across the continent to use their positions to inspire change.

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