10 Ways To Find A Travel Buddy For Your Next Trip

people feeding giraffes

Many people want to travel to Africa but are usually scared of making the travelโ€”and it is totally understandable. With lots of negative images of Africa in the media, anyone has the right to be afraid. However, one way to beat traveling fears is to find a travel buddy.

Africa is one continent that has a lot to offer. From the rich culture to beautiful mountains, various species of animals, and birds, there is a lifetime of memories waiting to be explored on the continent. Also, fun is not a solo sport. It always gets better as the company grows.

Perhaps, that is another reason to have a companion to savor the wonderful experiences of this beautiful continent. But, it is always important to have a travel buddy that shares something in common with you. Here we will guide you on some of the tips to find a travel buddy.

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Is there an app to find travel buddies?

Finding a travel buddy on your own is a seemingly impossible task. We would imagine walking on the street and asking anyone you see “will you be my travel buddy?” It may spend months and still not find one.

Luckily there are many mobile apps you can use to find your perfect travel partner. Some of these apps are Backpackr, SoloTraveller, Chirpey, and Meetup. You can also take your search to social media groups dedicated to travels to the country of your choice.

How much does a travel companion make?

A travel companion or travel buddy can make anything from $24 to $300 per trip. A travel companion often offers help to people who need assistance, for instance, an old or sickly person.

There are different types of travel companions namely child travel companion, travel nurse companion, elderly travel companion, and travel companion for people with flying anxiety. If you love traveling, consider taking up a career as a travel buddy. 

Challenges you can face when traveling

While traveling can unlock many benefits, it also has its ups and downs. There are several challenges you can encounter when traveling. It is important to note these challenges if you are thinking of taking up a career as a travel buddy.

Getting ill: Sickness comes in different forms when you are on the move. It can be a microbial infection or an irritation from insect stings. Also, you can suddenly become sick when traveling to a new country due to the change in weather.

That is why you should carry a first aid kit. The kit should have painkillers, anti-diarrhea tablets, antihistamines, and bacterial hand washes to protect and treat yourself. However, make sure you visit a healthcare facility if the condition persists or worsens.

Missed flights: Another common challenge you might encounter is delayed or missed flights. You might miss your flight and get stranded at the airstrip for hours.

To avoid such a scenario, talk to your airline before your scheduled flight or check online for the status of your flight and see if there are any changes.

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Getting lost: Some people can navigate easily in a new environment whereas others can’t. You may have gotten lost at one point or another, maybe in the mall or when visiting a new city. Now, getting lost in a new country is something you wouldnโ€™t want to experience.

Thanks to modern technology, you can always find your way around. If you have a smartphone ensure you download Google maps. Use offline maps of the country you intend to visit. The good thing about downloading the offline map is that you won’t need an internet connection when using it.

Language barrier: This is a common problem that many usually face when traveling to new countries. Some countries donโ€™t have English as their first language and this might affect effective communication. Lack of proper communication with the people around you can trigger feelings of loneliness, frustration, and suspicion.

Use other forms of communication such as body language, sign language, smiles, and gestures to get around language barriers. Also, there are language translator devices that can come in handy. 

How to find a travel buddy when going to Africa?

Finding a travel buddy when visiting Africa is not as difficult as it may seem. We found 10 easy ways you can use to find a travel buddy to any African destination. The enthusiasm of some of the travel buddies we found using some of these methods were contagious.

Sieve through the different methods and find the one that works for you. Feel free to share with us which of the methods worked for you at the end of the article. Also, bear in mind that you may need to try more than one method to find the right companion.

#1. Ask your friends and family

Smiling women friends using laptop at restaurant table - stock photo
Photo Credit: Justin Pumfrey, Caiaimage

One easy way of finding a travel buddy is by asking your friends and family. Maybe they know a person or two who loves traveling. You can pair up and travel to Africa. The advantage of this is that they will link you up with a person they know and trust. Hence you won’t have to worry about traveling with a total stranger.

Also, you might know the person too which makes bonding easier. As the popular bon mot says, ‘Charity begins from home’. It is always good to start your search for a travel buddy from close circle before moving outward.

#2. Facebook groups

Facebook can also turn out to be an ideal place to find a travel buddy. There are various Facebook groups with like-minded travelers, and you might be lucky to find someone who also needs a travel partner. You can search for people who have planned an itinerary to Africa.

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