15 Cool Black Men Haircuts

When it comes to black men and their hair, some keep it simple and others go all out artistic. With black hair texture, there are styles black men can d that will be difficult to pull off with any other texture. Follow on as we look at 15 really cool haircuts for black men which are causing waves in the world today.
#1. Low Fade

The low fade is a simple elegant haircut which takes the hairline a bit up while following it up and maintaining the hairline. It tapers down to the side and occurs lower on the head. This hairstyle is sometimes called a drop fade. It naturally gives the hair a rounded shape when it’s viewed from the back.
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#2. Line up

This Black Men Haircuts is definitely a smooth one. It can be regarded as the perfect black men haircut as it is quite simple yet breathtaking when done properly. It is done by making sure the edges and lines of the hair are properly shoven. This will ensure that the edges of the hair , sideburns and temples have a straight angle and line up to it. The line up will give the perfect chiseled jawline look.
#3. Box Fade

This fade is also known as the high top fade. It was known to be popular in the 90’s amongst young men. The style has come back now in all of its glory to relive it’s Glory days. It’s a style that keeps the hair close to the neck very short while ensuring that the top length rises towards the top. It starts at the ear and leads up to the top of the head. This unique haircut is wonderful for people with textured hair as it accentuates their hair texture.
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#4. Buzz Cut

The Buzz cut is a haircut done by most black men all over the world. It is a cut which evens out the hair length throughout the head. This hairstyle can be accompanied with a line up or hard part at most times. It keeps the black man looking smart and clean.
#5. Twists and a Fade

This Black Men Haircuts is one which needs skill and precision. It combines the fade haircut which tapers the hairline and twists which could be voluminous or not. Twists are very versatile so they could be long, short or medium lengthy. Either length works perfectly well for the black man.
#6. Afro

The Afro haircut involves growing the kinky hair to a very large extent, it could be combined with a fade, taper cut or any other style. It could also be texturized into curls with chemicals according to the taste of the person involved. Afros are a bold and beautiful style which certainly draw attention to the black man. It’s definitely the black man haircut.
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#7. Frohawk

A Frohawk is a combination of a Mohawk and an Afro hairstyle. The Frohawk involves cutting the sides of the hair short while leaving the middle of the hair to an afro length. It could be paired with side partings or designs that are interesting.
#8. Cornrows

One of the trendiest Black Men Haircuts are cornrows. They are very intriguing and daring. Cornrows are braids made on the scalp and they could be in three’s, four’s or more. Cornrows can be coupled with a fade as they make it look quite different yet nice. They could be done in the preferred color of the person involved and certainly, they do pass the vibe check for the African man.
#9. Taper cut

The taper Black Men Haircuts is a very similar haircut to the fade. It is worn by black men and visibly accentuates their look. A taper haircut is done by reducing the sides and the back of the hair while maintaining a top crown at the front. The hairline in a taper haircut is cut short but kept intact and not shifted inside as a fade.
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#10 . Curls

Curls are definition added to the hair either by chemical use or by the use of heat. Mostly, they add texture to the natural kinky hair and make it have more defined curls. These curls could be medium or not so medium depending on the person’s order. Curls can be used with an afro, a high fade cut or even a buzz cut. They are a very beautiful haircut for the black man.
#11.Dreads Undercut

Black men haircuts like the dreadlocks never go out of style rather they upgrade. Dreads are one of the best haircuts for black men all over the globe. They can be made by twisting the hair and they could be paired with any other hairstyle you wish. Dreads undercut are just a combination of dreads with an undercut. The undercut makes sure the sides of the hair are cut short all round while dreads are left towards the front.
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#12.Temple Fade

The temple fade haircut is a great haircut for black men. It is an excellent cut which involves cutting the sides of the hair and giving a smooth cut to the temples.
#13. A crew cut and line up

This haircut is basically worn by any age group. It can be worn by teachers, grade schoolers down to matures business men. It is done by ensuring the upright hair is cut short at the front and shorter at the back. In a crew cut the hair is cut in varying lengths ensuring the front is longer.
#14. Waves and Skin Fade

Waves are a very practical style which makes the black man look neat and handsome. They can be coupled with a skin fade hereby upscaling the normal look. Waves are done by skillful barbers.
#15. Clean cut

A clean cut is a very daring and elegant haircut to carry. It is done by basically shaving all your hair off and ensuring a very clean cut. This cut coupled with lining of the beards gives a great look any day anytime . It is the elegant haircut for the black man.
Grooming is imperative for every human irrespective of the gender. Still, a haircut and little trimming could go a long way in changing a man. Every haircut brings out something different in a man. A neat and concise hair cut would utterly transform any man into a god. These black men haircuts are just a few amongst the best and trendiest haircuts for black men. If you know any more that you’d want to share do not forget to mention so in the comment box.