Joseph Boakai Inaugurated as Liberia’s President Amid Challenges and Promises

Joseph Boakai, at the age of 79, officially became Liberia’s President in a significant political event marked by both celebration and concern. His inauguration, a momentous occasion following a closely contested election victory in November, establishes him as the oldest sitting head of state in Liberia’s history. This milestone reflects not just a change in leadership but also the resilience and evolving dynamics of Liberian politics. As President Boakai steps into his new role, he carries with him the hopes and challenges of a nation eager for progress and unity.

Joseph Boakai Inaugurated as Liberia's President Amid Challenges and Promises
Liberia’s president-elect Joseph Boakai, who defeated President George Weah in a runoff election gives a speech after he was sworn in as president during the inauguration ceremony in Monrovia, Liberia January 22, 2024. REUTERS/Carielle Doe

Inauguration Ceremony

In Monrovia, the capital city of Liberia, Joseph Boakai stepped into his role as President in a ceremony filled with significance and hope. During this pivotal event, President Boakai focused his speech on themes of unity and national priorities. He emphasized the importance of moving beyond partisanship to embrace a spirit of nationalism. His commitment to enhancing the rule of law, combating corruption, and reviving the hope of Liberians stood out as key elements of his agenda.

However, the ceremony took an unexpected turn. Dressed in traditional Liberian attire, President Boakai experienced physical distress, which became apparent as he addressed the gathering. Despite his efforts to continue, the situation led officials to assist him away from the podium. This incident brought a premature end to the event but did not overshadow the significant commitments he made to the nation.

Health Concerns

During his inauguration, a moment of concern arose for Joseph Boakai. As he delivered his address, the President showed signs of physical distress, leading to a stir among the attendees. This unexpected incident at the podium raised immediate health concerns.

However, a spokesperson from President Boakai’s political party quickly clarified the situation. They attributed his momentary weakness to the heat at the event and assured that it was not related to any underlying health issues. This statement aimed to alleviate worries about the President’s capability to fulfill his duties, emphasizing that the incident was a minor setback and not indicative of his overall health.

Joseph Boakai Inaugurated as Liberia's President Amid Challenges and Promises
Liberia’s president-elect Joseph Boakai, who defeated President George Weah in a runoff election gives a speech after he was sworn in as president during the inauguration ceremony in Monrovia, Liberia January 22, 2024. REUTERS/Carielle Doe

Political Background and Vision of Joseph Boakai

Joseph Boakai, Liberia’s newly inaugurated President, brings to his role a deep well of experience and a clear vision for the nation. Despite concerns about his age, Boakai, 79, confidently asserts that his long career equips him uniquely to lead Liberia. He stands firm in the belief that his age is an asset, not a liability, bringing wisdom and a rich history of achievements.

In a significant political shift, Boakai emerged victorious over George Weah, Liberia’s youngest-ever president. This victory came after public sentiment shifted due to Weah’s perceived failure to deliver on key campaign promises, particularly regarding the nation’s economy, corruption, and justice for civil war victims.

Boakai’s journey in politics is extensive. He first made his mark in the 1980s as Liberia’s agriculture minister, showcasing his dedication to national development. His political journey continued as he served 12 years as vice president under Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Africa’s first democratically elected female leader.

His 2017 presidential bid was unsuccessful against Weah, but he returned with a renewed mission in his latest campaign. Boakai positioned himself as the leader who would rectify Weah’s shortcomings and guide Liberia to a brighter future. His campaign resonated with promises of improved governance and a focus on the well-being of Liberians.

ALSO READ: President George Weah Shifts Liberia’s Stance, Withdrawing Support for Israel in Gaza Ceasefire Vote

Challenges Ahead

As President Joseph Boakai begins his term, analysts set a realistic tone regarding the challenges that lie ahead. They caution that significant changes under his administration may unfold slowly, primarily due to the distinct nature of Boakai’s agenda compared to that of his predecessors.

Key points of focus and challenges include:

  • Reviewing Past Agreements: One of the first tasks for the Boakai administration will be to scrutinize concessions and agreements made by previous governments. This critical review aims to determine which agreements best serve Liberia’s interests and align with the new administration’s goals.
  • Meeting Public Expectations: The Liberian public holds high expectations for improved living standards. Boakai’s victory came with the hope of better governance and economic progress. Fulfilling these expectations will be crucial for maintaining public trust and support.
  • Addressing Entrenched Corruption: A significant hurdle for the new government is the deep-rooted corruption within Liberian politics. While Boakai is known for his dedication to combating corruption, fully tackling this issue will be a considerable challenge, given its pervasive nature in the political landscape.
  • Economic Diversification and Growth: Achieving sustained economic growth is expected to be an uphill battle. Liberia’s economy, characterized by a lack of diversification and heavy reliance on imports, poses a complex challenge for the new administration in fostering robust and inclusive economic development.

These challenges, as outlined by experts, set the stage for Joseph Boakai’s presidency. How he navigates these issues will be pivotal in shaping Liberia’s future

Public and Expert Opinions

The inauguration of Joseph Boakai as Liberia’s President has sparked a mix of expectations and expert analysis regarding his potential impact on the nation.

  • Citizens’ Expectations: The Liberian public holds a hopeful outlook towards Boakai’s presidency. Many, like Monrovia resident Ansu Banban Jr., express confidence in Boakai’s leadership, anticipating significant improvements in their lives. The general sentiment among citizens is one of optimism, with expectations that President Boakai will usher in an era of positive change, particularly in addressing the nation’s economic and social challenges.
  • Expert Analysis: Political and economic analysts are cautiously optimistic about Boakai’s tenure. They recognize his commitment to tackling corruption and revitalizing the economy but also acknowledge the complexities he faces. Zoe McCathie, a noted political and security analyst, regards Boakai as a hardworking and humble politician, potentially more dedicated to fighting corruption than previous administrations. However, McCathie also highlights the challenges in fully addressing corruption due to its deep-rooted nature in Liberian politics. Additionally, achieving sustained economic growth is seen as a formidable task given Liberia’s economic structure, which suffers from a lack of diversification and heavy dependence on imports.

These diverse perspectives reflect both the high hopes and the realistic challenges facing President Boakai. His ability to meet these expectations and overcome challenges will be closely watched by both the citizens and international observers.


The presidency of Joseph Boakai commences under the weight of high expectations and significant challenges. As Liberia’s oldest head of state, Boakai’s inauguration marks not only a new chapter in his illustrious political career but also a pivotal moment for the nation. His leadership journey is now set against a backdrop of a country eager for rejuvenation and progress.

Boakai’s vision of moving beyond partisanship to nationalism, his commitment to improving the rule of law, fighting corruption, and restoring hope are ambitious goals that have resonated with many Liberians. However, his ability to navigate the complex political and economic landscape of Liberia, which includes addressing the entrenched issues of corruption and economic diversification, will be crucial in determining the success of his presidency.

With a blend of experience and a promise of renewal, Joseph Boakai’s tenure as president is being watched with optimism and a keen sense of expectation by both Liberians and the international community. The journey ahead is challenging, but it also presents an opportunity for significant transformation in Liberia under Boakai’s leadership.

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