See The Fate Of The Chinese National That Killed His Alleged Girlfriend In Nigeria

Picture of Ummukulsum Buhari (Photo credit Twitter @SpaceMediaHub1)
Picture of Ummukulsum Buhari (Photo credit Twitter @SpaceMediaHub1)

A Chief Magistrate Court sitting in Kano State on Wednesday 21 September 2022 sent a Chinese national Geng Quarong to prison for allegedly killing his ex-Nigerian lover Ummukulsum Buhari.

Quarong was arraigned before the court by the Kano State Police Commissioner on a one-count charge of culpable homicide contrary to Section 221 of Nigeria’s Penal Code.

Hanif Yusuf, the trial magistrate remanded the Chinese national in prison while awaiting further legal advice from the state Ministry of Justice. Consequently, the case was adjourned to 13 October 2022.

The details of the incident remain sketchy with some saying trouble started when the deceased lost interest in marrying the Chinese national.

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However, it was gathered from credible sources that the 47 years old Chinese national living in Nassarawa GRA Quarters, Kano forced himself into the family residence of the 22-year-old victim on 16 September at about 9:30 p.m.

Afterward, he attacked her with a sharp knife which left the victim with deep cuts on her neck and various other body parts. The victim who is believed to be undergoing the one-year compulsory National Youth Service Corps was rushed to the hospital after the attack.

However, doctors confirmed her dead on arrival. She died from the injuries sustained during the attack. The suspect tried to flee from the scene but residents raised alarm leading to his arrest.

More trouble for the Chinese national

Chinese national Geng Quarong has been remanded in prison following the murder of his alleged lover
Picture of Geng Quarong surrounded by a pool of blood (Photo credit Twitter @SpaceMediaHub1)

The House of Representatives has shown interest in Geng Quarong’s case. The lower chamber mandated its committees on Interior and Justice to Investigate the immigration status of the Chinese national.

Also, the committee members will visit the deceased family to convey the House’s condolence. The House also directed the Chinese community in Kano State and the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria to condole the government of Nigeria and the people of Kano State.

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Furthermore, there was deliberation on whether to suspend the operations of the firm Geng Quarong was working with pending the determination of his legal status. The resolution was in reaction to the motion of urgent public importance moved by Kabiru Rurun, an honorable representing the local Rano/Kibiya/Bunkure federal constituency.

Growing concerns that the deceased may not get justice

The Chinese Business Community Association of Nigeria has issued a statement in support of Mr. Geng’s prosecution. The leader of the community Mike Zhang said the community condemns the criminal act.

Nevertheless, there are growing concerns that the deceased may not get justice. This sentiment was echoed by honorable Rurun who said that although it was clear that it was a pre-meditated action, the police “was yet to present a preliminary investigation report” five days after.

The murder of Ummukulsum Buhari has sparked outrage with more groups calling for justice. One such group is the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), Kano State chapter. The group is demanding a thorough investigation and justice for the deceased.

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The association visited the family of the deceased to sympathize with them. They also condemned the incident. Right after the visit, the Chairperson of the association Bilkisu Suleiman released a statement. Part of the statement read,

“We strongly condemn the murder of Ummukulsum Buhari. Thus, we are calling on the concerned authorities to ensure a thorough investigation so that justice will be done.”

What do you think will be the fate of an African that commits a similar offense in China? No doubt, African countries have weak immigration laws which make it easy for Europeans, Asians, and Americans to get it. We will be on the lookout for the finding on the immigration status of the Chinese national that killed Buhari.

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