Who Is Wrong In These 9 Relationship Scenarios?

African Relationships

Every now and then, relationships go bad. The first thing that most people would want to know is who was wrong.ย  Sometimes itโ€™s hard to know who to blame. In fact, in some cases, both partners share equal blame. Letโ€™s take a look at these 9 relationship scenarios and examine who is wrong. After reading the argument, decide who you think caused the trouble. Perhaps, critically thinking about them can also help you to avoid similar troubles in your own relationship.

#1. Botswe and Adeola

Botswe and Adeola have decided to take their relationship to the next level. They started planning their wedding, and Botswe told Adeola that he would like to have a small wedding. Adeolaโ€™s family opted to be a part of the planning and seem to be taking over everything. Botswe is still okay with that until he finds out that they are planning a large wedding. He confronts Adeola about it, and she sides with them, telling Botswe that they are only trying to help. She goes further to say that they have a right to do whatever they like because they are handling most of the wedding expenses. Botswe decided to call off the wedding. Who is wrong?

Who is wrong?

#2. Kojo and Daliah

Daliah and Kojo have been married for five years now and have two kids. They both have full-time jobs and rarely get to spend quality time with the kids. They both get worried about this and decide to talk. Daliah suggests getting a nanny, but Kojo doesnโ€™t subscribe to that idea. Instead, he suggests that one of them gets a part-time job. They go back and forth but do not conclude. However, they plan to continue this talk some other time, then arrive at a decision that suits them both. Some days later, Kojo closes early from work and comes home to meet a nanny. He gets furious and sends her away. He later confronts Dalia about this, and she says that sheโ€™s been overwhelmed with work and the kids, then storms out while Kojo was trying to speak. Who is wrong?

Who is wrong?

#3. Chidi and Nnenna

Photo credit: Pikrepo
Photo credit: Pikrepo

Nnenna and Chidiโ€™s relationship has lasted three years, and Chidi thinks itโ€™s high time they settle down together. They start making crucial plans for their future family but arenโ€™t having it easy. Chidi wants children while Nnenna doesnโ€™t. Nnenna tries to explain her reason, but Chidi doesnโ€™t understand her. Instead, Chidi insists that he wants to have his own kids, majorly because his mum wants grandkids. As they argue, Chidi gets angry and uses some harsh words on Nnenna. Nnenna feels hurt. Chidi tries to plead but she calls off the relationship. Who is wrong?

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#4. Olaitan and Makena

A friend of Makena discloses to Olaitan, Makenaโ€™s boyfriend of 4 months, that sheโ€™s been having an affair with her ex-boyfriend. Olaitan feels hurt and confronts Makena about this. Makena blames Olaitan for this, refuses to apologize, and complains about their boring sex life. Olaitan tries to take his revenge by sleeping with Makenaโ€™s friend. She finds out and breaks up with him. Who is wrong?

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#5. Kwame and Taraji

Photo credit: NPR
Photo credit: NPR

Kwame has been dating Taraji for months, and it seems things are beginning to get serious. Kwame has recently talked about making things official, but Taraji has a secret she needs to tell him first. Taraji musters some courage and tells Kwame that she had a child with her first boyfriend and the little kid lives with her mum. Kwame feels betrayed in their relationship and thinks Taraji was wrong for keeping such a huge thing from him. Taraji says that she didnโ€™t think it was necessary because they hadnโ€™t started anything serious, and she thought he would have left her if she told him. Who is wrong?

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#6. Yuusuf and Imani

Imani and Yuusuf had been together for nine months when Yuusufโ€™s ex-wife crawled out of the blues asking to go on a coffee date with him. Yuusuf and his ex-wife had a nasty divorce and havenโ€™t spoken or seen each other since the divorce. Yuusuf wants to get some closure and some apology too. Imani doesnโ€™t think this is necessary as itโ€™s been a while, and she tells Yuusuf that she would be annoyed if he did. Yuusuf promised not to, but Imani later found out that he had secretly gone. Who is wrong?

Who is wrong?

#7. Ayotunde and Ene

Photo credit: Pinterest
Photo credit: Pinterest

Ayotunde is an introvert, likes to keep to himself, and doesnโ€™t like to go out often. Heโ€™s been together with Ene, an extrovert and a party crasher for four years. Due to their gleaning differences, Ene goes out by herself most times but always tries to coerce Ayotunde to go with her. She would like to share her passions with her relationship partner. This time around, Ene has her best friendโ€™s birthday party coming up soon, and sheโ€™s been trying to get Ayotunde to go with her. He blatantly refuses, but she understands and decides to go alone. However, after the party, she comes back to find out that Ayotunde has gone out to hang with the boys. Who is wrong?

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#8. Femi and Nala

Nala and Femi have finally decided to move in together after being in a relationship for over a year. They decide to buy a house together. However, the issue of the right neighborhood came up. Nala likes her privacy and told Femi that she would prefer a quiet and serene environment. Femi goes house scouting but makes a down payment for a house in a noisy and nosy neighborhood without informing Nala. When she finds out, he tells her that the house is what he could afford. Nala insists that she wouldnโ€™t mind staying apart if he insists on staying in that neighborhood. Who is wrong?

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#9. Abidemi and Abedo

Photo credit: pixabay
Photo credit: Pixabay

Abebo and her husband, Abidemi, are full-time employees and rarely have time for each other. It gets worse when Abebo gets laid off from her workplace, and Abidemi takes on double shifts and another job to keep up with bills and their lifestyle while Abebo stays home to take care of the kids. Their relationship and intimacy take a blow for this, and Abebo begins to text and see other men. Abidemi confronts her, and she blames him for her cheating, saying that he hasnโ€™t had her time in months and she doesnโ€™t feel loved or wanted. Who is wrong?

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