Tanzanian Doughnuts

Tanzanian Doughnuts
Tanzanian Doughnuts - Photo credit: Food Lover's Market
Tanzanian Doughnuts โ€“ Photo credit: Food Loverโ€™s Market

Being nourished with a mishmash of Indian, , and British food has all my life, allowed me to connect and experiment with the culinary cultures of all these cuisines. In other words, Iโ€™ve been spoilt and have loved every minute of it. Hell, Iโ€™ve been rabbiting on about it to you all since 2009.

For my generation, it feels like the Indian influence on East African cooking is a hush-hush camp, with recipes hidden away inside the spirits of expat grandparents, parents, aunties, and uncles. As sad as it may sound, Iโ€™m a 23-year old girl worried that Zanzibar Trail Mix, Malindi Halwa, and Ugandan Kasodi will one day be forgotten by my Indo-Chinese-obsessed peers โ€“ and thatโ€™s deep, bro.

ALSO READ:ย Tanzanian Pili Pili Mogo (Spicy Fried Cassava)

Hello Vitumbua

In the name of doing my bit to preserve the East African cuisine my family is so proud of, Iโ€™d like to introduce you to Vitumbua. These Tanzanian rice flour doughnuts are a favorite of my saintly Bapu, Gunwantrai Modha and I completely understand why. Born in Tanzania, my dad his brothers think of these dishes as fuel food โ€“ theyโ€™re good for the soul and all that.

Vitumbua should be golden and crunchy on the outside and like a delicate morsel of cardamom-scented cloud on the inside. The batter is made with coconut milk which makes these cakey baked doughnuts pure white and melt-in-the-mouth.

If you have a Vitumbua or Appam pan, please use one. I donโ€™t (shock, horror) so a cupcake tin is a great substitute. Being a Yorkshire lass at heart, I faked it and made my Vitumbua, in the same way, Iโ€™d make my Eggless Yorkshire puddings. I guess you could say Vitumbua cooked in this way are neither nowt nor summat, but theyโ€™re damn delicious all the same.

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