• nora

    For sure corruption is one of the major causes leading to the retardation of Africa’s development.

    this can be seen in cases where privileges and opportunities have been placed in the hands of some individuals, but they choose to maybe share this privileges just with family members and in some cases, their tribes men. in which if this would…

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  • nora

    I thing its a good step to take, cause as long as the world is evolving we keep moving closer to the need and use of solar energy.

  • nora

    Africans in the first place have brought them selves to this point. the aspect of low self esteem is seriously dealing with African minds. its high time Africans begin to see their worth and know how to stand out for them selves.

  • nora

    I think there should be an age limit, when it comes to leadership positions. age limit would be a single criteria on its own and it should be taken in to consideration since leadership positions require mature minds as well.

  • nora

    I must say, success has never been determined by a place, success is dependent on an individual and not the location, so going abroad has not and will not be the solution for a man’s success.

  • nora

    I very much agree with this wise decision made. it is said and i so much believe that when something is more than a man, he should admit it and give room for a better fit to take charge. doing the right thing will always be an applause to us all.

  • nora

    to an extend i don’t think it is affecting us directly, because per the things that people hold on to all in the name of it is as a result of Ukraine’ war, are even things that are perhaps not coming in from Ukraine.

    but then the war is affecting.

  • nora

    it really looks like a joke but it is the case ohhh, hahahahahahahahaha

  • nora

    what shall we say, i my self I’m so confused on his particular issue, how pathetic it is that the producer turns to instead feed on the crumbs.

  • nora

    investment! now our days with the current level of technology and awareness, ignorance is no longer an excuse. Africans should be giving the awareness of how life principles works. and if they accept to follow this principles, life will turn out good.

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