adopting a single language is a good idea, but this language if it is to be taken in to consideration, this language shouldn’t be one originating from their colonial masters.
child marriage is totally a dangerous practice and should be discourage by all possible means.
its high time Africans start taking responsibility of their own actions, and stop trying to lay the negative outcomes on someone else.
totally agree with this.
i don’t think the late Queen is singlehandedly to blame for the under development of Africa. besides she is not the ever first ruler or person in power and influence to be responsible to change Africa. Africans and the numerous leaders they have had are all to be blame for this level of under development.
it isn’t and cant always be easy to actually release funds, not even on a previously owned property. i think that is what is still stopping them from receiving their bronzes
you are right.
yes i think its okay to abolish the death sentence for all crimes, i think a different penalty should be put in place because definitely the is no turning back from death, people should be giving the opportunity to make a change in their lives, we all should embrace change.
Religion per say!, because i think if Africans were not divided by the various existing religions, witchcraft will not even come in to place, it is as a result of division that envy start which further graduates to witchcraft.
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