2019 International Women’s Day Celebrations Is All About Balancing

2019 International Women's Day Celebrations Is All About Balancing
2019 International Women's Day Celebrations Is All About Balancing
2019 International Women’s Day Celebrations Is All About Balancing – Photo by Jorge Oviedo/EyeEm

The 2019 International Women’s Day is tackling a strong topic under the theme #BalanceforBetter. Come Friday 8th March 2019, women around the globe will echo their need for balance. This year, the annual event aims to create awareness on gender inequality and the need to celebrate women’s achievements.  According to the International Women’s Day (IWD) website,

“Right now is a great and important time in history to do everything possible to help forge a more gender-balanced world. Women have come a long way, yet there’s still more to be achieved.”

From seminars to business master classes to pop-up art shows, the focus will be on innovative ways to advance gender equality. Areas, particularly in need of gender equality, are sustainable infrastructure, access to public services, and social protection systems.

The Sustainable Development Goal

The origin of the International Women’s Day dates back to 1909 when thousands of women marched in New York to demand fair wages. The United Nations officially declared March 8 International Women’s Day in 1975. The urgent need for gender equality led to its inclusion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 5 is to “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”. To achieve Planet 50-50 by 2030, transformative shift and new solutions will be required. Innovation and technology have great prospects in bridging the gap and disrupting structural barriers. However, statistics in the digital divide shows that women are underrepresented.

From mobile banking to the Internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), it is importer to consider the experience of women when designing and implementing technologies that will shape future societies.

International Women’s Day event across the world

2019 International Women's Day Celebrations Is All About Balancing
Photo credit Avel Shah / EyeEm

Different events will be held simultaneously across the globe to commemorate International Women’s Day. Far away in Europe, Amsterdam will host the “Youth Tech Fest”. Girls between the ages of 12 and 18 will learn how to develop apps, write codes, and more.

It will be celebrated in more than 35 cities across the United States. Atlanta will host the International Women’s Day Tea Party for small-business owners. At Washington Square Park in New York, a small celebration will offer women flowers with inspirational messages.

International Women’s Day celebration will also hold across major cities in some African countries. In Nigeria, there will be a Walk for equality and better in Abuja as well as a Just Kick It! – aside Women Football Tournament on March 9. The International Women’s Day Picnic will also hold on March 9 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Celebrating IWD online

You may not be able to make it to IWD events if your country doesn’t host the celebration. However, you can still participate online. The organizers want everyone to be a part of the celebration. Women are encouraged to strike a pose with their hands open to represent a balance between men and women. They are to post the picture on social media with the hashtag #BalanceforBetter.

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