DISCUSSION: Is James Kambewa Ungrateful to Madonna For Adopting The Child He Could Not Afford To Raise?

Rwanda partners with steve harvey
Rwanda partners with steve harvey

Pop Singer , who adopted a son from in 2006 has been given the right to adopt a second Malawian child by a Malawi appeals court.

Normally, an adoptive parent has to live in Malawi for 18 months before being awarded a child for there, assuming all else is in place.

The Nyasa Times reports from Blantyre that the Supreme Court of Appeal in Malawi handed down a ruling Friday which overturned a lower court decision preventing Madonna from adopting three-year-old (““) from an orphanage in southern Malawi.

In April said the pop star could not be granted custody because she was single and she had not lived in the country for the minimum period prescribed by inter-country adoption laws.

The little girl’s father, James Kambewa, who placed his daughter in an orphanage because he cannot afford to care for her, is devastated that Madonna is able to adopt his daughter and take her out of the country according to the Daily Mirror, a British newspaper.

Mercy’s dad, is quoted as saying, “I am devastated. I did not even know that the judges were making a ruling about Madonna adopting my child on that day…I feel betrayed by my countrymen who gave me a deaf ear because I am poor and Madonna is rich.”

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  1. to me the adoption of children by madonna is a fantastic issue because she gives life to the childrenn cuz to me life is all about living well.Rather than letting the children rot in the orphanage the better she takes rhem with her Madonna you are diong a great job more grease to your elbow

  2. for me I see it different, Madona adopting is agret thing,but why can’t she just help the kid while the kid is with the far? I don’t know if people usually think of others feelings,Yes I know the stuation of the kid living is poor,but so what,she can see at the end of the day one of his /her parent around. Let her think aminute ,some one says,want to take away her kids, she will die of heart attack.
    so seriously, personaly I think it’s bull-she could help the kid while living with her parents.
    No parent hates her own kid,but its the invoiroment they are living in,meaning they are living poor,if case she wants to help,let her sponser the kid,she will stil have the facy life she wanted to give her/him prd.

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