Goshen Acquisitions LTD

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Goshen Acquisitions LTD is a Kenyan real estate investment and trading company registered in February of 2012. We have since endeavoured to make savvy and strategic investments in pre-developed raw land, in specific regions of Kenya that are slated to experience some development of either the private or public kind. This pioneering approach has enabled us to provide our customers with consistently robust, short and medium-term capital and equity gains, created by the up-surge in property values which are driven by increase in demand due to the developments.

Unlike property agents or brokers, we only sell land that we wholly own, thereby ensuring the safe and accountable passage of real property and wealth to our valued customers. We at Goshen Acquisitions are guided by an unwavering belief that the legal integrity of our transactions must be founded on irreproachable moral integrity. We have no tolerance for corruption and take no shortcuts in the due processes necessary for your secure land ownership.

We are committed to creating prosperity for all our customers…

… through principled, savvy and strategic investments in our homeland. To date, Goshen Acquisitions has successfully bought and sold over 900 Acres of primly located raw land across the country.

Secure and accountable passage of real property is guaranteed, because we only sell what we wholly own. Coupled with clear and open processes, our goal is to focus on creating genuine equity and wealth for our clientele


PwC Tower, Delta Corner. 6th Flr., Chiromo Road, Westlands

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