Top 10 Charities Helping In the Fight Against COVID-19 In Africa

Africa is the second most populous continent in the world and a higher percentage of its population live in rural areas. Most rural communities in Africa are overpopulated and lack basic amenities and access to good healthcare. This deplorable living condition accelerates the spread of diseases and infections such as COVID-19.

To reverse this, many charities are working with the government to provide basic amenities like clean water and good health care systems. Most of these charities have stepped up their support to help in the fight against Coronavirus in Africa. Below are the top 10 charities that are helping in the fight against COVID-19 in Africa.

Active Cases of Coronavirus in the World (Source: John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center)
Active Cases of Coronavirus in the World (Source: John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center)


Photo credit: UNICEF

UNICEF is one of the oldest and largest charity organizations in Africa. They operate in 24 African countries, focusing mainly in the West and Central regions. UNICEF has played an important role in providing support, education, and health services to children and adolescents in Africa. Also, it was among the first organizations to help in the fight against COVID-19 in Africa. Some of the interventions by UNICEF include:

  • Working with the government to provide information on how to tackle the virus
  • Leading a campaign to sensitize Africans against false believes regarding the virus
  • Providing resources and support for health workers in Africa
  • Helping impoverished communities in Africa to fight the virus by providing water and soaps 
  • Providing awareness on the importance of good hygiene in the fight against COVID-19

Fundings from several NGOs, governments, and individuals help to make this possible. To donate, start by clicking here.

#2. WHO

WHO logo
Photo credit: WHO

The World Health Organization is an arm of the United Nations. Its duty is to handle issues about global health and safety. As a forefront organization, it is their duty to be ahead of any health crisis that threatens humanity. The Organization occupies a central position in the war against COVID-19. In Africa, the WHO is working with government and health service providers to:

  • Ensure prompt and coordinated response to the virus
  • Provide guidelines on how to prepare for and combat the spread of the virus
  • Provide diagnostics and surveillance equipment
  • Supply PPEs and other important gears to frontline health workers in Africa

The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund is an initiative set up by WHO to raise funds to achieve these goals. Click here to donate to this cause.

#3. Africa Foundation 

Logo of Africa Foundation
Photo credit: Africa Foundation

This is a non-profit organization in South Africa. They are also registered in the US and UK. Its vision is to provide humanitarian services to rural communities in Africa. To do this, they focus on 4 key areas; education, healthcare and access to water, rural business development, and conservation. Also, the foundation is helping in the fight against COVID-19 through its campaign, ‘Community Resilience to COVID-19’. Through the campaign, the organization hopes to improve the resilience of rural African communities against the virus. They hope to achieve this through:

  • Providing water for better sanitation
  • Providing medical supplies and equipment to community health centers in Africa
  • Alleviating hunger in rural households by providing short-term food relief

Africa Foundation relies on donations from philanthropists and other well-meaning citizens of the world to keep their work going. Feel like lending a hand? Click here.

#4. SOS Africa Children’s Charity


SOS-Africa Photo credit Starry-Eyed Travels
Photo credit: Starry-Eyed Travels

This is a charity organization based in the UK. Their vision is to empower underprivileged South African Children through Education. They provide education and care to children at the grass-root level. SOS Africa like many other charities has joined in the fight against COVID-19 in Africa. They launched a campaign tagged “Emergency Food Relief Appeal” in April 2020.

The aim of the campaign is to feed poor families that are struggling because of the pandemic. Because of their quick response, many families in South Africa were saved. Together with their local partners, SOS Africa has raised over 80,000 pounds (approx. $109,075) through appeals and donations from individuals. According to the foundation, $10 is enough to feed a family for a week. Click here to donate to this charity. 

#5. Self Help Africa

Photo credit: Self Help Africa

This is an international charity organization with outreaches in 9 African countries. This charity operates mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Their agenda is to find solutions to the most challenging problems facing this region. To achieve their goal, the organization focuses on 3 key thematic areas and these are; Inequality, malnutrition, and extreme poverty.

Self Help Africa also works with both local and international organizations like the UN. Through their awareness campaign, they hope to reduce the impact of coronavirus in Africa. They also support health care workers by providing medical supplies. In the agricultural sector, Self Help Africa provides relevant markets for local farmers to sell their products. Their effort helps to reduce the loss of agricultural products. It also ensures food security within the region. Want to support this charity? Click here to donate.

#6. Built With Bitcoin 

Photo credit: BuiltWithBitcoin

This is a charity service provided by Paxful, one of the largest peers to peer crypto platforms. The goal of this initiative was to prove that crypto assets and industries can also provide humanitarian services around the world. In 2020, African Fund was launched under the #Builtwithbitcoin umbrella to broaden the services of the charity. Through the African Fund, the organization will provide food, water, sanitizers, and face mask to the most vulnerable communities in Africa. Also, Health workers will be given PPE and other relevant equipment. To make a donation, click here.

#7. Amref Health Africa


Photo credit: Amref Health Africa
Photo credit: Amref Health Africa

Amref is an international humanitarian organization with outreaches in Africa, Europe, and North America. Amref Health Africa is the branch of the organization that operates in West Africa and 7 other African countries. Founded in 1957, Amref Health Africa has continued to invest in health sectors across Africa.

Their goal is to provide easy access to quality health for the underprivileged as well as create a sustainable health care system in Africa. Amref Health Africa has partnered with international organizations to fight coronavirus in Africa. They help the government and health workers through surveillance and facilities to help in the early detection and tracking of the virus. Amref Health Africa is open to donations. Click here.

#8. African Union COVID-19 Fund

Photo credit: African Union

African Union is an intergovernmental organization consisting of 55 member countries. This organization tackles important issues relating to security, economy, and health, etc. The African Union COVID-19 fund was set up by the AU in response to the pandemic. Consequently, the goal of the fund is to provide the financial resource to fight the virus and mitigate its spread. With these funds the AU hopes to;

  • Reduce the impact of the pandemic on the socio-economy of its member countries
  • Provide help to the African Center for Disease Control to help it fight coronavirus in Africa
  • Buy medical equipment and supplies

The advantage of the AU is that its members have first-hand knowledge of the area. To give to the foundation, click here

#9. GiveDirectly


Photo credit: MSNBC
Photo credit: MSNBC

GiveDirectly approaches humanitarian services in a unique way. They allow donors to send cash directly to those in need. The NGO acts as a middle man and its duty is to find those who are really in need of the money. So far, they have received donations worth over $300 million and delivered them to more than 500,000 families in need.

GiveDirectly also raises funds by appealing to individuals, governments, and organizations. Presently, their goal is to raise  $110 million to support poor families in Africa. So far, $101.6 million has been provided for this cause. To give directly to those in need, click here.

#10. WaterAid 

Photo credit: WaterAid

WaterAid is an international charity organization that aims to improve hygiene in rural communities across Africa. The organization believes that water is a basic human right and lack of water will result in poor hygiene. This can speed up the spread of diseases especially in the overcrowded slumps of Africa. Thus, WaterAid charity has also joined in the fight against COVID-19 in Africa. Their strategy is to provide handwashing facilities, more toilets, and easy access to clean water especially in congested rural Africa where these basic amenities are lacking. You can donate to WaterAid by clicking here.

How to Start a Charity

Most charities belong to individuals, governments, or organizations with resources and connections. The process for setting up a charity can vary from one country to another. It requires lots of paperwork and a board. Obviously, not everyone may be willing to go through all this legal process. However, it is possible to get involved in a charity by making donations.

If you are not sure which charity to donate to, this article is a good place to start. The charities on our list have a good reputation and accountability. So you don’t have to worry about how your money is being spent. Simply click on the donation link of the charity you will like to support and make your donation. Every donation goes a long way to help the organization in achieving its goal. 

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