South Africaโ€™s Tshwane Mayor Is Putting A Stop To Luxury Vehicles For City Officials

City of Tshwane
South Africa's Tshwane Mayor Is Putting A Stop To Luxury Vehicles For City Officials
Photo by Democratic Alliance from Wikimedia Commons

South Africa has a new executive mayor for the City of Tshwane.ย  He is not about to do business as usual. Executive Mayor Solly Msimangaโ€™s first order of business is to cut back on costs. And he has already vocalized some important changes.

  • He has put a stop to all inaugural parties and catered inaugural events for Tshwaneโ€™s new executiveโ€š and has stopped celebratory dinners and lunches that benefit only politicians.
  • He has placed a moratorium on all international travel for politicians and officials of Tshwane. Trips of this nature would only be allowed after applications were made to the mayoral committee. And after being subjected to cost-benefit analyses.
  • He has banned the use of blue lights by politicians and government officials in Tshwane, which had been used to avoid sitting in traffic.
  • He has proclaimed that no new luxury cars will be bought or leased for politiciansโ€š and if vehicles currently owned by Tshwane require replacementโ€š sensible and low-cost vehicles will be procured.



    Image by Dลฉng Nguyแป…n from Pixabay
  • In a statement, he said:

    No new luxury cars will be bought or leased for politicians. And also if vehicles currently owned by Tshwane. It requires replacementโ€š sensible and low-cost vehicles will be procured.

    I will not allow public money to be spent on luxury carsโ€š and while our people struggle for servicesโ€š houses and jobs.

    A Hyundai i20 or Toyota Corolla can do the same job for a politician as an expensive sedan.โ€


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