Boma earned 10 Star Points 2 years ago
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Should Africans leave their countries for greener pastures to the West? 🤔
Wow this is a very analytical response.
Boma earned 5 Booster Points 2 years ago
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boma-miranda-emmira replied to the discussion Members in the forum munjo-kaisen 2 years ago
Should Africans leave their countries for greener pastures to the West? 🤔
Ok Sir. Does this mean if you are given an opportunity to go to the west for greener pastures you wont go? Will you reject the offer and stay back to develop your continent?
Boma earned 5 Booster Points 2 years ago
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Should Africans leave their countries for greener pastures to the West? 🤔
The effect of the Ukrainian crisis on Africans has raised a lot of questions. With Africans exposed to racism in Western countries, Should Africans leave their countries for greener pastures to the West?
🙄🤔Whose fault is it that Africans in Ukraine are affected by the crisis?🤔
This is a very insightful response. The most important thing i got from your response is, actions before complaining which is very vital. But then what if the different African countries lack resources to evacuate their citizens out of the crisis zone. This brings me to this question, Do African countries have allocated funds reserved… Read more
Boma earned 5 Booster Points 2 years ago
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Boma earned 10 Star Points 2 years ago
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Boma earned 10 Star Points 2 years ago
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