Community Manager and African Vibes are now connected 2 years ago
Community Manager and maurine are now connected 2 years ago
💥Who is to be blamed for the loss of black lives in the Buffalo shooting?⭐
Dr Martin Luther King once said ” To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it” Who is to be blamed for the Buffalo shooting? The Mother who raised him, Teachers who taught him in school or Police for not arresting him after writing manifesto?🤔
Community Manager started the discussion If you are opportune to impact an African community what impact idea will it be? in the forum AV Insider Impact Initiatives (Review) 2 years ago
If you are opportune to impact an African community what impact idea will it be?
🔥Jackie Robinson once said ” A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives” If you are given an opportunity to impact an African community with an Impact idea, what will that be?🔥
Best African country to live?
💥Which one will enhance African development, Aid or Investments?💥🤔
🔥President Jacob G. Zuma once said ” Aid should shift to investments. This will help African countries stand on their own” Do you agree? Which one will enhance African development, Aid or Investments?🤔
💥Are digital currencies the future of African economies? Do you Agree?💥
😲Bill Gates once said “The future of money is digital currency”. Do you agree? Are digital currencies the future of African economies?
"Christianity is destroying Africa." Do you Agree? 🤔
With the death of the popular Nigerian gospel artist Osinachi Nwachukwu through domestic violence by her husband Pastor Peter Nwachukwu, social media is in an uproar on the role of the church. Some say the church discriminates against divorced Christians which causes them to remain in abusive marriages and lead to their death. Meanwhile others… Read more
🔥"Should African Governments regulate social media"💥
🔥”Social media platforms have helped Africans create jobs as Influencers and shed light on issues like #EndSARS in Nigeria. However some argue that it is negatively impacting African Youth. Should African Governments regulate social media”🔥
⭐Is reparations the right recourse for the effects of colonization on Jamaica?🤔
Prominent leaders in Jamaica publicized a letter demanding that Britain apologize and award its former colony slavery reparations. Is reparations the right recourse for the effects of colonization on Jamaica? Will reparations have the positive effect that some Jamaicans seek? What do you think?
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