Adopting a single language for Africa is good. Africa has been almost totally Assimilated by the western colonialists. The adoption of a single language different from that of our colonial masters will be a stride in Africa’s advancement couple with other things such as a single currency,bringing the continent together as” the United State…
Julius Malema is one of my best African Politicians. He is wise and understands the need of Africans. His dream of seeing Africa becomes a United state with a single President and currency is challenging but is possible to ne realised. And if this is realised, indeed France will fade out and some other westing countries.
I agree with her 💯
💥Which one will enhance African development, Aid or Investments?💥🤔
For the continent of Africa to experience meaningful economic growth, it must concentrate it’s resources and especially aid coming from International organizations and abroad on investment. When they invest in building companies and factories,invest in infrastructural development such as housing, roads and railway development, ports etc, invest… Read more
💥Are digital currencies the future of African economies? Do you Agree?💥
I agree with Bill’s assertion. The world is evolving so rapidly technologically and Africa is not left out. The west in particular sets the pace and are already into digital currency. Africa is getting into the digital currency in a more naive way but it shows that the digital currency is the future of the digital economy.
"Christianity is destroying Africa." Do you Agree? 🤔
It is a sad story and has caused uproar on the social platform. The church in Africa nevertheless has to properly train and teach it’s worshippers on domestic violence amongst other Christian ethics.