African Union Agenda 2063: A Promising Trajectory For Africa

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Africa Agenda 2063

In 2015, African leaders adopted Agenda 2063 as the continent’s new long-term vision for the next 50 years. Agenda 2063 aims to optimize the use of Africa’s resources for the benefit of the continent’s people. The NEPAD Agency, the implementing agency of the African Union, has been tasked with fast-tracking the implementation and monitoring of major continental development programs and frameworks, including Agenda 2063 and the  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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The African Aspirations for 2063

The seven African Aspirations were derived through a consultative process with the African Citizenry. These are:

  1. A Prosperous Africa, based on inclusive growth and sustainable development
  2. An integrated continent, politically united, based on the ideals of Pan Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance
  3. An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice, and the rule of law
  4. A Peaceful and Secure Africa
  5. Africa with a strong cultural identity, common heritage, values, and ethics
  6. An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential offered by people, especially its women and youth and caring for children
  7. An Africa as a strong, united, resilient, and influential global player and partner

The Vision and African Aspirations for Agenda 2063

Agenda 2063 is founded on the African Union (AU) Vision of “An Integrated, Prosperous, and Peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the International arena.”

In addition to the various activities to be implemented at the continental and Member State level, Agenda 2063 prioritizes several flagship projects whose implementation is seen as key in accelerating Africa’s growth.

Flagship Projects of Agenda 2063

  • Integrated High-Speed Train Network
  • Africa Virtual and E-University
  • African Commodity Strategy
  • Annual African Forum
  • Continental Free Trade Area
  • African Passport and free movement of people
  • Grand Inga Dam Project
  • Pan African E-Network
  • Silencing the Guns
  • African Outer Space Strategy
  • Single Air-Transport Network
  • Continental Financial Institutions

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Key Next Steps for The Ten-Year Implementation Plan

  • Domestication: Integration of the First Ten Year Implementation Plan into National Plans. Efforts are underway to undertake a domestication scoping mission to gather insights for the refinement of a strategy that will outline/develop domestication operational manuals for the Member States.
  • Resource Mobilization Strategy: A draft document has been produced and it is going through refinements (e.g. the integration of the outcomes of the July International Conference on Financing for Development). Implementation arrangements will be put in place as soon as it is finalized.
  • Capacity Assessment Study: The study is yet to be completed. When completed measures will have to be put in place to implement the capacity development plans for AU Organs and the Regional Economic Communities. Strategies/options for capacity assessment of member states are under discussion.
  • Communication Strategy: It is up for refinement after which implementation will commence

Work has already commenced by the African Union Commission and NEPAD Agency to domesticate the first 10-year implementation plan into national and regional plans to ensure effective and aligned implementation at national, regional, and continental levels. Furthermore, work has progressed in developing indicator-frameworks to track Agenda 2063, and by extension the SDG. Specifically, efforts are underway to establish near to real-time tracking and periodic evaluation mechanisms, with a dedicated focus on building institutional capacities to generate quality statistical data.

The Community of Practice (CoP) on Agenda 2063 aims to provide platforms for sharing expertise to inform effective domestication and planning, promote best practices on implementing, tracking, and reporting on the targets and goals enshrined in the first ten years of Agenda 2063 implementation.


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