Want To Build Wealth? Here Are 20 Youtube Channels We Think You Should Subscribe To

The term “From Rags To Riches” gives every aspiring individual the zeal to dream big when it comes to wealth creation. Yet there is one common question for the average observer—how do I start? Investor and wealth creation icon, Warren Buffet famously said, Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No.1.” This lays the foundation for building your own empire. If you are still thinking of how to start your investment journey, these 20 YouTube channels should give you a head start.

#20. Wealth Hacker – Jeff Rose

Financial guru, Jeff Rose, owner of a famous YouTube page Wealth Hacker, released a one-of-a-kind video named “How I Turned $509 into $10 Million Dollars”. He highlighted the key elements on how to flex your own bold intentions to change the way you think about your business. The fifteen-minute video definitely opens the door to wealth creation for aspiring bloggers looking to go viral online!

#19. Fun Cheap Or Free – Jordan Page

An empowering mother based in Salt Lake City, USA, Jordan Page emphasizes the way to budget while managing home responsibilities. It is hard to grow your wealth when you can’t manage what you have. As we seek to get creative upon generating wealth, we need to focus on the basics of wealth creation—which is budget accordingly.

#18. Debt Free Millennials – Justine Nelson

Another inspiring female, Justine Nelson, also offers influential advice on wealth creation. She offers ideal tips on how to manage outstanding loans and become debt-free shortly after college or university. The young female offers her Budget Bootcamp, a one-on-one private monthly coaching session as a catalyst to assisting those drowning in large debt. If this sounds like you, take a look at how Debt Free Millenials can assist your woeful financial circumstances.

#17. Mapped Out Money – Nick True

Finance guru, Nick True, offers amazing insight into how to grow your money. From a young age, Nick learned the importance of using money as a tool. To this day, Nick values how he’s using money as a tool to live (his) our adventure and hopes to help you do the same. For great financial advice, the Mapped Out Money vlogs offer amazing insights on how to manage and grow your finances.

#16. Andrei Jikh

Andrei Jikh was last reported to have a net worth of $2,000,000. His personal wealth inspires his followers to follow his path on creating personal wealth. Jikh offers a wide range of topics via his channel, along with various tips on how best to invest your money, and how to save more money. For those seeking to gain financial advantage, Andrei Jikh is a standout as an all-around financial educator.

#15. Nate O’Brien

Nate O’Brien offers alternative solutions to wealth creation. The American investor/entrepreneur emphasizes the values of a healthy financial lifestyle to maximize your income. O’Brien is said to have been inspired by Steve Jobs’ quote, Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. So, if you are considering a minimalistic approach to your lifestyle to grow your personal wealth, Nate O’Brien will definitely offer you the right guidance.

#14. Financial Education – Jeremy Lefebvre

Do you see yourself as an aspiring entrepreneur, yet struggle to find efficient capital to start? Jeremy Lefebvre from Financial Education may be the right fit for your wealth creation. Many startups struggle to source capital to finance their dreams. However, this finance guru emphasizes start-ups that require as little as $100. Jeremy offers vast financial tips that will help you to get off the red zone.

#13. White Board Finance – Marko Zlatic

Marko Zlatic offers numerous valued lessons to his respective followers. He said My goal is to spread financial literacy to help people master their money and build their wealth.” Zlatic shares his personal views on wealth creation topics such as entrepreneurship, stock market investments, student of finance, and real estate. His audience ranges from first-time investors to more experienced individuals. Tap from his knowledge pool and enhance your financial muscle.

#12. One Big Happy Life


One Big Happy Life is an amazing financial vlog that gives its followers ideal insight. Their focus mainly applies to those who are restricted to daily challenges such as demanding careers and running a busy household. One Big Happy Life offers practical advice you need to finally take control of your life and money. This video is only a tip of the iceberg.

#11. Ricky Gutierrez

Young entrepreneur and day trader, Ricky Gutierrez, has influenced many of his followers by becoming the youngest millionaire in Gilbert, Arizona, at just age 23. Through his wealth creation success, Gutierrez founded one of the biggest trading groups called Techbud Solutions. For aspiring stock traders, Ricky’s lessons offer great insight. His strategies may be the big break that you desperately need.

#10. Kris Krohn

Charismatic wealth creation coach, best-selling author, and world-class speaker, Kris Krohn, offers numerous pieces of advice to his followers. His focus on strategies ranges from how to do high-profit commercial real estate to how to double a property value in 30 days. Krohn offers vital advice and is well worth your time if you are struggling to grow your wealth through assets.

#9. Meet Kevin – Kevin Paffrath

Kevin Paffrath offers plenty of wealth creation opportunities for individuals who seek to invest wisely in the property market. As a youth, Kevin faced plenty of financial challenges, where his parents could barely make ends meet. To date, Kevin and his wife Lauren provide lucrative insight towards home renovations and how to turn unfinished problems into highly profitable projects.

#8. Beat The Bush 

The YouTube channel, ‘Beat The Bush’, offers valuable tips on how to manage credit cards, prepare for early retirement, and improve personal finance habits. Most of these lessons emphasize the basics of healthy financial habits, contributing towards personal wealth creation. If you are struggling with your credit score, Beat The Bush offers logical solutions to rebuilding your personal credit.

#7. Lets Talk Money – Joseph Hogue

Joseph Hogue offers vast experience towards making money from your own home. Emphasizing innovative strategies for investing and ways to save more money makes Hogue a valuable mentor in wealth creation. With a minimal budget, the Let’s Talk Money channel offers the ideal platform for reaching your financial goals.

#6. The Rachel Cruze Show – Rachel Cruze

New York Best-Selling Author, Rachel Cruze, offers budgeting advice towards gaining financial muscle in today’s market. Cruze highlights twenty practical ways to save money. You will be surprised to find out that you have been saving the wrong way all along. Cruze’s videos are not only educational for beginners but also expository for professionals. Have a look and make your own judgment.

#5. Dan Lok

Famous sales guru, Dan Lok, comes with plenty of business experience for the next generation of young entrepreneurs. Lok’s success story is inspiring. This now multi-millionaire failed at thirteen businesses in a space of three years. Now, he offers the majority of his success lessons to assist you in formulating your own personal financial wealth. Asides from the general money-making trend, Dan Lok offers insight into greater financial topics such as passive income streams and a wealthy mindset.

#4. The Financial Diet – Chelsea Fagan

Writer, Chelsea Fagan, became an overnight sensation on her YouTube Channel, The Financial Diet. Her life story has not been all plain-sailing as she was a college dropout. Fagan believes in, “making the most of what you have to build a life you love, both in your present and in your future”. This sentiment offers valuable lessons towards individual wealth creation.

#3. Graham Stephan

From working in a top real estate firm, Graham Stephan became a millionaire at the young age of 26 years old. Combining selling luxury homes with investing in stocks, this money-making guru offers various insights into other streams of income generation. Without attending college, Stephan went straight into real estate after completing high school. Perhaps, college is not the ideal path for everyone, after all!

#2. Bigger Pockets – Brandon Turner

Brandon Turner has been an inspiration to potential investors as he’s been a real estate investor investing in real estate for over a decade. His sharp and straight-to-the-point tips cover a variety of paths towards wealth creation. For the best direction towards secure returns on investment, Bigger Pockets is your best bet.

#1. Ryan Scribner

According to Forbes magazine, Ryan Scribner is the best channel to watch if you are eager to make money. Today, Scribner is the main financial influencer on YouTube. By expanding his personal wealth on the stock market, Ryan Scribner offers direct insight towards seeing a great return on your funds—as well as rapid growth on your investment. If you are tired of the repetitive 9-5 lifestyle, this channel is likely to open the door to your new chapter.


If you seek surety on how to maximize your wealth creation plans, these financial influencers will point you in the right direction of benefitting your pocket. Whether you are a first-time investor or a financial expert, these YouTubers will either hold you by the hand and lead you through the investing ladder or help you expand on what you already know. Do you have a favorite financial adviser that is not on this list? Kindly share with us in the comment box below.


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